SMK Baruna Dukuhwaru Tegal telah dipercaya menjadi sekolah Pusat Keunggulan dan Sekolah Center of Excelence. Membangun Negeri dengan Wawasan Global dan Karakter Lokal. Baruna Mendunia!

Terakreditasi B

Akreditasi Pelayaran International

Approval International IMO

Dirjen Perhubungan Laut Kemenhub

Pusat Keunggulan

Centre of Excellence 2020 - 2023

Selamat kamu juara

Baruna Vocational High School - M.E.N.D.U.N.I.A

Sambutan Kepala Sekolah - Ahmad Fawaz Al. S.T, M.B.A


Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb

Praise and Gratitude to Allah who always gives blessings to all of us. As a Vocational High School Education Institution, Baruna Dukuhwaru presents a learning curriculum for the Center of Excellence based on Project Based learning and Character Strengthening with the best Morals which is expected to be able to encourage the ability of students to find abilities in themselves so that they can become a candidate for the nation's leader who thinks Global with Local Character.

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Kegiatan Terbaru

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Pasti Bisa Bersama SMK Baruna

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